• Furoshiki – Cloth bags were distributed to our employees instead of plastic bags to carry their tiffins or other stuff to the company before Maharashtra government banned plastics in 2017
• Our own Polyhouse grown veggies are used for our company canteen consumption, milk for tea/coffee for in-house consumption comes from our own cattle that we breed
• Provided E-Rickshaw to a Cattle-shed
• Planted 22 trees per person, the idea is to give more oxygen to our employees than the co2 they emit (Saplings along with other rewards are awarded during monthly Employee Appreciation meetings)
• We have installed Solar panels and 75% of our power consumption is taken care of by Solar
• Promote use of Electric cars – We provide our employees with 15% of the loan that is interest- free
• Few of our employees come on bicycle to work once a week
• Consumption of Synthetic coolant instead of conventional one
• We promote using E-business cards instead of printed ones
• We believe in Recycling almost whatever’s possible and hence we recycle the coolant and oil at our premises
• Our construction sites are covered by green net in the night time to avoid release of dust particles
• Minimal use of plastic bottles – instead we use steel ones or glasses
• 3 types of bins: For Wet waste, Dry waste, Metal waste – Muda & Mura concept
• Efficient use of water – standard consumption is recorded and monitored
• Rainwater is harvested
• Smart lights installed in the factory – sensors and timers are put in various office areas
• Smoking is prohibited inside all our company premises